Su tiempo para jugar

The Jr. WNBA Her Time to Play pairs on-court training with off-court life skills lessons to build girls’ confidence, prepare them for the challenges of adolescence and teach values like teamwork. It was created by the Jr. NBA/WNBA to encourage girls to keep playing basketball and stay involved in something they love. The clinic includes the Belonging in Basketball Curriculum, which was created by the Girls Leadership for girls, by girls. The curriculum focuses on self-awareness, leadership, social and emotional, skills, and how to cultivate a sense of belonging.

Fecha y Hora:

April 3 - May 1, 2025
4:00 - 5:15 p.m.

Cuota de inscripción:


Plazo de inscripción:

April 2, 2025


  • Abierto a niñas de 7 a 14 años
  • Held at the Gold Crown Field House, 150 S. Harlan St. Lakewood, CO
  • Recreativo - jugadores de nivel competitivo inferior
  • 1:8 ratio of female coaches to players


  • Combination of 15 minutes of workshops, 1 hour of skill work
  • Positive environment that encourages confidence and social connection
  • Each participant receives two tickets to the April 11 Denver Nuggets game (please redeem early)!
  • Players receive HTTP Vision Box's filled with workshop essentials, journals, etc.
  • Prize giveaways: WNBA merch, Gold Crown prizes, and more

Preparando niños para el juego de la vida