5 Ways to Engage During Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health is health.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year we’re joining the national movement to destigmatize mental health and provide resources for families. We encourage you to find ways to focus on your mental health this month. Whether that’s a walk outside, starting a gratitude journal or spending time with loved ones, focusing on your mental health is more important now than ever.

Do you need some ideas how you can you engage during the next 31 days? We have you covered.

  1. Follow us on social media: Our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages will have daily content for you. We encourage you to engage with us and use #HealthHuddle when posting.
  2. Catch up on a blog: We have plenty of mental health topics covered on our Mental Health Blog
  3. Watch a Speaker Series: We’ve interviewed Brian Griese (Former Denver Bronco QB and Founder of Judi’s House), Dr. Steven Berkowitz (CU Anschutz Medical Campus), Dr. Scott Cypers (CU Anschutz Medical Campus), Kari Eckert (Robbie’s Hope), Dr. Jenna Glover (Children’s Hospital Colorado) and more about mental health topics that are important to families.
  4. Follow other mental health advocates on social media: Mental Health America and NAMI are just two of the national organizations that are focusing on mental health this month. Follow #MHAM online to see all of the content throughout the month.
  5. Sign up to take a virtual mental health training or other educational opportunities. There are multiple options from our community partners on our Events and Education page.

Let us know in the comments how you plan on working on your Mental Health this month. Was there anything we missed?