Thinking and acting on what is in the best interest of kids is one of Gold Crown Foundation’s core principles. Sometimes that means going beyond their physical and mental health and looking at social contributors. Has your child told you “Johnny’s” dad has guns at his house? Are you equipped to handle that conversation? A Gold Crown parent and volunteer with Be SMART For Kids addresses the topic of safe gun storage. Read on to see how you can keep your family safe and normalize the subject of safe gun storage.
"Parenting today is so much harder!" I say to my parents who are in their late 70s. I share with them my worries about cell phones, social media, the mental health crisis, and the fear that grows after each mass shooting. The sad truth is that gun violence is the leading cause of death for kids and teens in America. The worries parents have today can feel overwhelming, and as my children get older, I feel a sense of urgency to do something. For me, this means turning my fears into action and getting the word out about safe gun storage. With an unprecedented 400 million guns in America, this is more essential than ever.
Be SMART for Kids is a program that promotes safer gun storage. It's designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child gun deaths and injuries. I hope you will talk to your family and friends and share this life saving information with them. The SMART acronym is a great way to remember how you can be a responsible gun owner if you choose to have them in your home.
SECURE all guns in your home and vehicles
MODEL responsible behavior around guns
ASK about the presence of unsecured guns in other homes
RECOGNIZE the role of guns in suicide
TELL your peers to be SMART
The statistics don't lie. Here are a few more reasons why it's essential to have safe gun storage.
*Nearly 700 children living in America die by gun suicide every year, and secure storage can play a crucial role in preventing those deaths.*
*Every year, 350 children in America under the age of 18 gain access to a firearm and unintentionally shoot themselves or someone else.*
*Firearms are the leading cause of death of children in America.*
*3/4 of school shooters acquire their firearm from the home of a parent or close relative.*

Learn more about Be Smart For Kids and ways to safely store firearms.
Access valuable resources from Be Smart For Kids
Learn more about Colorado's Law on Safe Storage of Firearms
You can also reach out to Leslie to set up a free Be SMART presentation and training on safer gun storage.
Photo: Be Smart For Kids website