Each year, we are impressed and inspired by the class of Career Pathways students. This year was no exception as 25 teens embarked on their workforce readiness journey with enthusiasm,...
Author: Meghan Overton
Building a High Performance Lunch for Athletes
Young athletes need proper nutrition in order to perform, grow and develop. But what exactly does a nutritious meal entail? Learn from Amanda Turner, Sports Dietitian at Children’s Hospital Colorado...
Start The Conversation: Teens And Marijuana Use
Marijuana is no longer just a cliché word; it's become a significant part of Colorado's culture, whether we like to admit it or not. That's why it's crucial to have...
BBTTC Hosts Southwest Regional Teen Summit
The Southwest Regional Teen Summit brought together 26 youth members and 15 staff from seven different Clubhouse and Teen Tech Centers in the Southwest region. The summit lasted three days...
Mental Health Takes the Podium: Lessons from the Paris Olympics for Youth Athletes
As the 2024 Summer Olympic Games end, we look back on those historic moments with great awe. From gold medal finishes to team camaraderie, these athletes have plenty to be...
The Psyche Behind Sports Injury Recovery
When your child has a sports injury, the healing process is not just physical, but also mental. From setting recovery goals to emotionally dealing with things like season-ending injuries, it...
How Yoga Can Enhance Sports Performance
Did you know that by regularly practicing yoga you can also enhance your athletic ability? Yoga can prevent injury, enhance muscle function, and combats stress, all components of helping you,...
What Is Hyper Hydration?
Especially in the summer months, you often hear to drink more water and stay hydrated. But did you know that it’s possible to drink too much water? While unlikely, hyper...
Nine Sunscreen Questions: Answered
Nobody likes a sunburn, and at 5280 feet, the sun affects you more than you know. The good news is, you can protect yourself and your children by using sunscreen....
How To Prevent Heat Illness In Summer
It's summertime and that means it's time for fun and hot outdoor play. This also means that outdoor games and long tournaments can lead to dehydration in the hotter summer...