C2C Pathways – The Next Step

This fall, we updated you on the launch of the Gold Crown Enrichment C2C Pathways Program (view the recap). Currently,  a group of 11 members of Gold Crown Enrichment are participating in a year-long three phase work development program.

On Saturday, June 2nd, Our C2C Pathways members shared their work shadow projects at a showcase event  held at our new building, The Clubhouse at Edgewater .  The youth worked on one of three tracks with two industry partners to solving real world problems through STEAM-based projects.

Our partners included Children’s Hospital Colorado (Gait Lab) & iFuzion (3D printing lab), FirstBank and a start-up app called Dencty, The Integer Group (Marketing) and Tribal Zyphers (a youth non-profit).  The youth presented technology solutions including 3D printed teaching aids for Gait Lab surgery patients, a Shark-Tank type pitch to First Bank for funding a new app, and a revised social media platform including video and music production for our non-profit partner.

The eleven participants will now begin the third phase of the program, individual paid summer internships.  They will begin work with Alpine Bank, Apex Systems, Best Buy, Citizen Pictures, Comic-Con, Form Tight Inc., iFuzion and various health care positions. Thank you to our valued partners for their commitment to “preparing kids for the game of life” through these internships.

Check back at the end of the summer for a recap on the summer internships!