C2C Pathways – Inaugural Graduating Class

We are proud to announce that the inaugural class of the C2C Pathways Program completed Phase 3 of the “Clubhouse to College/Career” program. Phase 3 consisted of real world internships with Colorado companies where each participant was required to complete 100 hours of work. These teens gained wonderful real-life experiences in banking, health care, business, technology and more.

“It’s been a spectacular experience interning here at the best staffing firm. I couldn’t have asked for a better summer,” Juanluis, C2C Intern at Apex Systems.

We want to thank our many industry partners:  Alpine Bank, Apex Systems, Best Buy, Citizen PicturesComic Con, FormTight, Inc., iFuzion and St. Anthony’s Hospital for providing internships where these teens could grow, learn and succeed in a professional environment. Many of the participants have been offered for extensions of their internships into full-time employment.  Others are now starting their senior year with knowledge and confidence to put them on a “Pathway to Success.”

Some of our Enrichment Program staff and mentors gathered with the participants to celebrate their completion of the nine-month work development program (pictured above).  A special thanks to our C2C Coordinator, Cassandra Rivera, for structuring such a valuable pilot year for our teens.  And finally, one last thank you to Best Buy for funding this program and renewing it for another year. The next class begins their program in September. We are proud to “Prepare Kids for The Game of Life” through our C2C Pathways program.

If you are interested in getting involved in this program, please contact Cassandra.

C2C Pathways is a 12-month career planning & workforce readiness program that concludes with the opportunity for youth to be placed within a paid (STEAM-related) summer job or internship in their area of interest.